Saved Searches

You can save a search performed in the Search Pane to use again later. You can also modify and delete previously saved searches.

To save a search

  1. Once all desired search types have been added and configured, select Search.
  2. Click the Save link at the bottom of the pane.
  3. In the ClosedSave Search dialog box, name the search.

  4. Click OK.
  5. You can perform your saved search from the Common Searches Pane.

To perform a saved search

  1. Click the ClosedCommon Searches button to open the Common Searches Pane.
  2. Under My Searches, click the name of a saved search.

To modify a saved search

  1. Click the ClosedCommon Searches button to open the Common Searches Pane. Alternatively, select the Common Searches tab at the bottom of the Search Pane.
  2. Under My Searches, right-click the name of the saved search you want to modify.
  3. Click Edit. ClosedShow me.
  4. The Search Pane for the saved search will open. Modify the desired search types.
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the pane.
  6. Optional: Click Undo Changes to revert back to the last saved version of your search.
  7. Optional: Click Back at the top of the Search Pane to return to the Common Searches Pane.

More saved search options

  1. Click the ClosedCommon Searches button to open the Common Searches Pane. Alternatively, select the Common Searches tab at the bottom of the Search Pane.
  2. Under My Searches, right-click the name of a saved search.
  3. Select one of the following: